Fall 2024 events

Book events and lectures:

If you are teaching Promises and would like me to zoom into your course, please reach out at [email protected]. If you would like to schedule a public event, please email MACK press's publicity office: Rosie Coleman Collier rosie [at]mackbooks.co.uk

September 23 (Monday): 12pm EDT.  A zoom book discussion jointly hosted by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies and SciencesPo. Probably best for academics and other scholarly types. Registration is free: tinyurl.com/bdf9kdnt

October 4 (Friday): UNC Global Studies program, book panel discussion.

October 23 (Wednesday): 2pm EDT at George Washington Univ. Book launch event. Discussion with Amal Amireh of George Mason University. Sponsored by GW's Institute for Middle East Studies.



November 4 (Monday): 7pm. Reading at Busboys and Poets, 450 K St.

November 13 (Wednesday): 7pm. Reading at Red Emmas in Baltimore.