Cover of phonograph album with story of the "Auca martyrs," missionaries who died in Ecuador in 1956.

Nate Saint, one of the missionaries who died in Ecuador.

Missionary house, Congo, 1950s or 60s.

Missionaries evacuated from Congo in 1964. Courtesy of Crossworld.

Paul Carlson, missionary killed in Congo, 1964.

Urbana, InterVarsity's missions convention, 1961.

The band Soul Liberation playing at Urbana 70.

Evangelist Tom Skinner at Urbana 1970.

Ad for Holy Land tourism before the 1967 war.

Translation booth at the 1974 Lausanne Congress.

René Padilla's galvanizing sermon at the Lausanne Congress.

Leaders of the church growth movement: Ralph Winter, Vergil Gerber, Donald McGavran, C. Peter Wagner.

Richard Wurmbrand testifying before the Senate about Christian Persecution, 1966.

SA Congress on Mission and Evangelism, Durban, 1973, Michael Cassidy, Billy Graham, and Walter Smith. With kind permission of African Enterprise.

South African anti-apartheid activist Caesar Molebatsi, right center.

Jerry Falwell after traveling to South Africa, urges Americans to buy Kruggerrands. Keystone Pictures/Alamy Stock Photo.

Frank Chikane had been a minister in the Apostolic Faith Mission before being suspended for his anti-apartheid activism. There was an attempt on his life in 1989. He is speaking at a meeting in 1986.

The 10/40 Window was a map of missionary opportunity.

The 10/40 Window also marked those places supposedly "enslaved" by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Advertising for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, late 1990s.

Sudan. South Sudan. Bahr El Ghazal. Anguoth. Women and children returning to village for a slave redemption ceremony. © 1999 Didier Ruef

Sudan. South Sudan. Bahr El Ghazal. Mayen Abun. John Ebner, US citizen works for Christian Solidarity International (CSI. He buys back Dinka slaves from northern Sudanese traders. © 1999 Didier Ruef

Still from a YouTube video promoting short-term missions.

Ad for short-term missions by Wycliffe Bible Translators. Early 2000s.

Samaritan's Purse prepares to deliver aid and religious pamphlets in Iraq.

Christianity Today on torture.

Wisconsin pastor Dick Robinson in Southern Sudan in 2006, with Sudanese evangelist John Philip and a young translator.

Baptism in Southern Sudan.

Boys at Hope School in Southern Sudan, 2006.

Uganda/Rwanda: Leaders of the East African Revival, late 1930s.

Participants in the East African Revival, in Gahani, Rwanda, 1952.

Rick Warren became a prominent activist on HIV/AIDS in Africa, particularly Rwanda and Uganda.

Anti-LGBTQ activist Rev. Martin Ssempa, leading a march in Kampala in 2009.

LGBTQ Ugandans speak out.

InterVarsity's Urban Trek advertises "Kingdom Work."